
Product Development

Journey Girls, Happy Together, and Baby So Sweet Product Development

Toys R Us Brand Totally Me - Craft Table Product Development Process

Deluxe Scrapbooking Kit Refresh + Product Development Process

Brought new life to one of Totally Me's top ten items with fresh designs, implementation of popular textures and materials.  Doubled peice count and maintained the same competitive price.  This item retails for $19.99


Felting Friends Product Development Process

Conducted market and trend research which led to the growing craft trend, "felting".  This kit was a clever design and development of a kid friendly version of a difficult craft.  Currently on it's 4th week on shelves, and this item is performing so well that it will become one of the brand's top performers and ever green craft items.

Ultimate Coloring Set Product Development Process

Based on the success of the Scrapbooking Kit and the popular coloring trend, developed this unique coloring item. Led the design and created unique illustration artwork for this kit, and worked extensively with the factory and sales rep to perfect each detail down to the vac tray.


Forever Friends Jewelry Kit

This best friends based jewelry line focusing on making jewelry to share with your friends. Built upon the growing brand's growing jewelry segment.

Totally Charming

Refreshed the design of all the charms and the tin container of this top selling item.  Sourced the item with a new vendor, saving $1 in cost.